Spoil Yourself Silly on a Shoestring! A Must for all MUMS!

Mother’s Day is vast approaching!  Being a mother of three, and now a mother of special needs, following the greatest two New Testament commandments is an absolute NECESSITY to keep balance at the forefront and to nourish ones own self in order to give out of an overflow!

What inspires you? 

What nurtures you? 

What reaches the place that gives rest to your soul (outside of resting in a right relationship with God)?

Loving yourself in the same and like manner as you love others was the intent of Jesus message in the second New Testament Commandment…


“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.

The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.

There is no commandment greater than these.”

Mark 12:30-31


So what are some practical ways on a very friendly budget to do just that?

Spoil Yourself Silly on a Shoestring!


fresh fruit

  1. Sit in nature, by a stream, or in a garden for 20 minutes. (Take a cup of hot tea or coffee in a favorite cup to enjoy.)
  2. Volunteer at venues, musicals, plays, and get free admittance.
  3. Checkout a movie from the library or get a free code and make popcorn at home!
  4. Make a delicious fruit salad, garnish with mint and place it in your prettiest bowl!
  5. Eat before going out to a fancy restaurant and splurge on the best cappuccino!
  6. Watch the sunset!
  7. Have coffee with a view of the sunrise!
  8. Plant something!
  9. Have a cup of tea at a smashing hotel.
  10. Research special locations in your area and grab your favorite book, camera, and a latte!
  11. Visit the Botanical Gardens or Museum and linger and observe!
  12. Find a beautiful cathedral and go sit and pray.
  13. Find a beach and sip sweet tea! (or at least play some waves on Pandora and close your eyes!)
  14. Need solace? Locate a monastery and walk through the gardens.
  15. Take a new fun community class through Parks and Recreation.
  16. Paint a picture!
  17. Become a member of your library!
  18. Visit a flower shop and smell the scents and enjoy the sights.
  19. Visit a travel agent and gather information on an ideal trip – planning and visual pictures are 1/2 the fun!
  20. Visit an Art museum and look for the emotion is each portrait.
  21. A picnic! Take  china and crystal, a fun blanket, and a book!
  22. Lie beneath the starts and count the things you are thankful for.
  23. If in DC, befriend Georgetown Cupcake and get the free secret flavor of the day, get there early and ask for it by name. Then write the flavor down and give it to someone else in line and then watch!
  24. Go online and trace your ancestry until you come up with five fun facts you never knew about your family.
  25. Set the table extra special, play music, light a candle, and slice fresh lemon for your water!
  26. Enjoy a very long Epson Bath with Essential oils and then take a nap on a day off!
  27. Make a bookmark with your favorite Scripture or pictures from Pinterest.
  28. Buy some fresh mint for tea, or fresh basil and make an knockout pasta salad with fresh Roma tomatoes, olive oil, and garlic!

Granted, these may have to be adapted for your location, and may not be nourishing to you, but will surely start to inspire some creative ideas on nourishing (loving) yourself, especially if you are a mom and have little ones depending on you!


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