Allowing the Embrace of God’s Illumination, Our Gift to Him


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How do we respond to waiting and acknowledging God in this Advent season, a season of awaiting for his light and illumination?   We are intrinsically drawn to the beauty of God’s love; the radiance of his illumination.  In the gleam, there is an ever-present invitation for the luminosity of the Trinity to radiate in the crevices of our hearts.

The more we allow his embrace of unconditional love without reserve, his light seems to become more intense and we surrender to a risk of possible discomfort; a scorch or sear, in the very tender areas within the tucked away recesses from the effect of the purity and brightness of the light he is.


It’s out of the depths of his love that his light penetrates throughout the layers, one by one over time, as we become willing to surrender to his sometimes uncomfortable but bright embrace.

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Within our own desires, we come to live with a residing internal tension between resistance and embrace; one of a desire to allow full access with acknowledging the risk of feeling a sear from the burning away of areas not yet conformed to his image once surrendered.  In the removal of these areas, such as former ways of doing, being, or the tending of ego emerges an ability to see – clearly.  As painful as the exposure and surrender may briefly become, it is a priceless and transformative gift from and to God.

It’s in those crevice exposures, being touched by his illuminating light, that those tucked away tender places, ones potentially unnoticed until the present, that brings a sweet freedom and an ability to listen beyond mere hearing of  the whispers of his words to our souls.

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It’s in that place of deepening illuminating intimacy that friendship with God through the Trinity that a gift of wisdom may be unwrapped and discernment be discovered.

His luminosity allows a clarity to understand what is in our own intellectual ability, what may be from the opinions of others, and the deep true resonation within the heart distinguished from the two that is found in the transparent and abiding friendship with God; who resides in the midst of where those crevices are always seen and loves regardless of how much seems to be hidden.  It’s the measure of our surrender to his illuminating light in the crevices that determines the depth of our being found as an intimate friend of God, and the closer we become to God, the greater radiating influence we may reflect to others to the One who is the light.

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The allowing of his light to illuminate the deep inner crevices of our hearts is our continual gift back to God; to receive his love and light.  Ours is the task of wrapping and a setting aside of self-will to allow more space for his radiance in our soul; a surrender that becomes filled with unexpected gifts; a closer friendship with God, discernment, banishment of fear and worry, and an ability to listen as our own first thoughts of intellectual words are thoughtfully set aside and given to him first and begin to be spoken instead from coming from the place of meeting with him.

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Advent Blessings as we become aware of the crevices of our hearts and gently surrender to be an illumination of his light by being transformed from his abiding light within.  It becomes a gift of gratitude, a gift of surrender, that his incarnational light radiates more fully through us as a gift back to God.

May we have a few moments of stillness and quietness this Christmas to give what becomes illuminated in time meeting with God as a precious and preferred gift to him, allowing him greater space to both fill and abide.

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