An ASD Easter, a Challenge or His Opportunity? April is Autism Adventure Month!

This autism diagnosis does not define our family, but it sure does present a few extra challenges, or shall I say “opportunities”? Sometimes, in life, we make the choices, and sometimes the choices make us; into growing and stretching (often not willingly), as we journey down a path we never dreamed. A journey oft begun with shock, then grief, and then ever so gently can become a season of being before we start becoming (again). We are choosing peace over closure on this journey, are hopeful for the years of early and ongoing intervention, which is often coupled with exhaustion for myself, and know He holds the future for us all anyway.

Internalizing God’s Love: Fulfilling Profound Longings to Feel Valued

May I propose a thought that no matter the answer, or the area in which it would feel strongly to be recognized, accepted, or valued, that that affirmation would be short lived or not reach to the depths of the soul? It may be like a warm blanket on a cold and drafty day, but not as the “chicken-noodle soup of the soul” that reaches the depths of the longing to feel loved, accepted, or valued.