Authenticity, the Meeting Place of God


The beauty of true friendship never blooms behind masks.  Tis an exquisite one to behold where authenticity spurs authenticity, where delight is shared in celebrating  the vulnerability of humanity and knowing one is truly loved.

It is the true self embraced-in-Christ that welcomes authenticity above the pretense of clamoring charades of masks.

It is that true self that communes with the Three-in-One God,

a self that cannot be created any more unique than was first intended,

a self that cannot earn more love in a posture of doing, but receives enough to share from a posture of the heart of receiving through communing,

a self that is valued and beloved in its vulnerable humanity,

a self that is the greatest gift to share,

a self that continually blossoms from meeting God in  the depths of ones truest self.



It is there that one is always home, no matter where life may roam,

The place of divine friendship that gives the capacity to embrace the same in all it encounters.

It is from the heart of this encounter that one is no longer lost- but found,

fulfillment becomes restored in the core,

meeting God with eyes that can see glimpses of the heart of God.


From living in that communing place with God, the place of holy authenticity.

“When you know how much God is in love with you

then you can only live your life radiating that love.” – Mother Teresa

Living Full of Grace,

Heather Rogero


Photos:  Pinterest

Crossing the Threshold of Surrender

This place of becoming bare from what was is the beginning of the integration of the soul; both being loved and to being love, it is a place where the soul integrates the Love that is by surrendering the gift of will given to the One who created it. An unexpected and unanticipated surprise of being enveloped in his love is found and perceived, with a new Reality that infuses the very essence of the entirety of the soul - when the threshold of loving surrender of the will is crossed.

Allowing God’s Love to Envelop our Will

In that embrace of the surrendered soul; our will, all else falls dim, except the desire to live in awareness and freely share what has been given, it's learning to rest in God while living life in the acknowledged fullness of reality, unfulfilled expectations, and joys on the mountaintops. It's where disappointments are embraced as much as joys, realizing they both are divine teachers awaiting to impart.

When All is Not Calm, and All is Not Bright

What God allows, He invites us to receive the grace sufficient to walk in communion with him, even when emotions strongly yearn to pull in other directions. Be calm, dear one, in the midst of waiting. All will be calm, all will be bright. There's always a greater purpose beyond what the eyes can see, and the purpose for now is to enter into communion in the midst of disillusionment or delay.

Is Your Soul Thirsty?

Abundant living comes from a beautiful place of being and then only doing from a rested place of being. It seems we often pine to become something while doing, trying to attain being "someone". Ironically, the authenticity of fully living is realizing that the thirst of the soul may come in the mode of desires and longings feeling arid or parched. It takes time, silence, solitude, and rest for refreshment of the soul, one that becomes satiated in a place of allowing times of quietness and trust to become a strength.

The Place of Longing for Intimacy with God

Frail, vulnerable, humble humanity becomes a response to a loving invitation laid bare and finds in that place an embrace in the depths of the crevices with the Divine unconditional love anticipated and sought without understanding that the encounter behind the veil is found not in striving and getting but in yielding and receiving. To reach for the sacredness of life and living is ironically and paradoxically not found in doing more, but in being less with the abundance found with greatest capacity when we are found in Him. "and become one with him. I no longer count on my own righteousness through obeying the law; rather, I become righteous through faith in Christ. For God's way of making us right with himself depends on faith." Philippians 3:9

The Love of the God-Son on Good Friday

It was because of the strength of love that It was because of his love that God-Father sent his son to fulfill a requirement. It was because of the strength of love that Jesus endured the pain of the cross knowing the cost of both love and purpose. It is that same love that beckons us to receive all that he gave out of love so that our own souls may find peace and fulfillment in the divine relationship intended form the beginning, a restoration of intimacy through the Holy Spirit with the veil now torn.
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