The Place of Longing for Intimacy with God

Frail, vulnerable, humble humanity becomes a response to a loving invitation laid bare and finds in that place an embrace in the depths of the crevices with the Divine unconditional love anticipated and sought without understanding that the encounter behind the veil is found not in striving and getting but in yielding and receiving. To reach for the sacredness of life and living is ironically and paradoxically not found in doing more, but in being less with the abundance found with greatest capacity when we are found in Him. "and become one with him. I no longer count on my own righteousness through obeying the law; rather, I become righteous through faith in Christ. For God's way of making us right with himself depends on faith." Philippians 3:9

Encouragement for Your Time Reading the Scriptures!

I share that story to encourage you that no matter where you are on your faith journey, know that reading Scripture in whatever way speaks most to you, lectio divina, the chronological One Year Bible, listening to the animated version (I love the NLT one), memorizing Scriptures, inductive reading with study, or just reading and pondering slowly, that it is a starting point, to point to the intimacy with the Father through Jesus and the presence of the Holy Spirit. Be encouraged to read and meet God in that time, taking time to reflect and be open to what He would want to say with a journal close by to write what comes to mind so you can go return to it as a memorial stone and see His work and ways!

The Beauty of Authenticity – Recieving God’s Nearness

God blesses integrity, genuine authenticity of heart, evident in action by what is done or restraining from what is not done. Real love, compassion, power, and living full of grace are found through humility and empowerment by the Holy Spirit. Anything resembling a false security and enabling spiritual pride has the ability to hinder soul nourishing intimacy with the Father. Instead, Jesus calls those who are called by His name to sincere holiness in thought, motivation, speech, and action. Some of the kindest acts are self-examining ones heart and withholding words that would fall off the tongue; exposing the heart, and severing relationships because of living contrary to the way one was called to humility.

An Invitation to Replace Resolutions with a Prayerful and Intentional Rule of Life

An intentional Rule of Life may seem at odds with modern society, but creates a “structure” to living an examined life full of value, thought, sincerity, compassion, and kindness by prayerfully setting “new intentional patterns” of living, rather than resolving to accomplish resolutions. It’s all about being and becoming, rather than a living a life of self-doing. It’s about living a praying without ceasing and being still and knowing He is God kind of life.

The Spiritual Discipline of Prayer-Filled Mindfulness

May this tool of the Prayer of Examen encourage you in your walk with Christ. It’s when we stop to reflect and “be” in His Presence, that we “become” all He designed. It’s then, that the abundant life promised, despite the circumstances, seem to appear before ones very eyes. It's when one lives in the intentional and purposeful margin of being and not overdoing, being led, that life also becomes full of sweet adventure and numerous "God coincidences".

Finding Joy in the ASD Journey, Thoughts on the Other Side of the ASD Valley of Grief

I have personally emerged with a stronger foundation upon rising from the three and a half year journey through the "ASD Valley of Grief" and have been on the other side now for about six months. Grief being that I grieved the loss of what I thought my son should be, my own expectations, and the fact that he was born normal and had a diagnosis of encephalopathy at age two. Now, I am free to celebrate each new milestone, no matter when they may come, instead of seeing how far behind he is on that milestone!

How to Study the Bible: Let’s Do Inductive Study – Part One!

TOOLS FOR Inductive Study A Bible, a notebook, colored pencils or highlighters and an amazing cup of coffee are wonderful tools for the OBSERVATION phase. Commentaries, lexicons, concordances, cultural background books, and maps, along with other tools are most helpful in the INTERPRETATION phase of study. Although these may be easy to dive into, resist. Doing OBSERVATION without these tools is critical for the process and helps to set aside one's own presuppositions when coming to the text.

Spoil Yourself Silly on a Shoestring! A Must for all MUMS!

Mother's Day is vast approaching! Being a mother of three, and now a mother of special needs, following the greatest two New Testament Commandments is an absolute NECESSITY to keep balance at the forefront and to nourish ones own self in order to give out of an overflow! Loving yourself in the same and like manner as you love others was the intent of Jesus message in the second New Testament Commandment...