Entering Advent, Things Are Not Always As They Seem

Alone.  Tired.  Weary.

Given a promise, a divine proclamation without circumstances seeming it could be true …

Reputation questioned.



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Things are not always as they seem.

No room, without support, and left to rest for the evening in a humble stable – to give birth?

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Things are not always as they seem.

What circumstances that seemed to orchestrate a lack of oversight, of love, care, or concern …

Were those that welcomed the birth of the divine, God-man in the flesh.


Without pretense, seemingly invisible.

With signs that led the way.

Yet, welcomed by the wisest of the day, traveling afar to see – a sign.

Raised in humble means, a King?

For things are not always as they seem.


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Choosing to trust, when ways are foreign, uncomfortable, unfamiliar, were the fertile humus by the one who carried him for the divine God-man to be nurtured, to grow in wisdom, stature, and in favor with God and man.

Why?  Perhaps that is the mystery of choosing to enter into the Advent season.

As we enter into the narrative of the first coming, the first Advent, waiting, possibly with enigma, of a mystery foretold, may we enter in …


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To ponder

To appreciate true power in humility

That came that first Advent to save our souls.

What in your life seems uncomfortable, unfamiliar, or seems to have a lack of orchestrated oversight?

Will you accept the invitation for an encounter with God, Christ in the image of the invisible God through his Presence, God-with-you, in that place?

“Humus”, of Latin origin, is soil, organic decomposition, fertile ground of the earth.  It is a most seemingly unexpected place to meet the divine, but to know him, he thrives in humble hearts; the soil of the unexpected resting and waiting place of the enigma of deep growth.

For things are not always as they seem.

“Christ is the visible image of the invisible God.  He existed before anything was created and is supreme over all creation”.   – Colossians 1:15

“O that you would tear open the heavens and come down, so that the mountains would quake at your presence … No eye has seen any God besides you, who work for those who wait for him.” –  Isaiah 64:1, 4b

“He will guide the humble in doing right and teach his way to the lowly.  All the paths of the Lord are mercy and truth to those who keep his covenant and his testimonies.”  – Psalm 25:8-9


Things aren’t always what they seem, or what we may be drawn to after further examination.  All that glitters isn’t gold, and what radiates with pure light can be trusted to be followed.

Crossing the Threshold of Surrender

This place of becoming bare from what was is the beginning of the integration of the soul; both being loved and to being love, it is a place where the soul integrates the Love that is by surrendering the gift of will given to the One who created it. An unexpected and unanticipated surprise of being enveloped in his love is found and perceived, with a new Reality that infuses the very essence of the entirety of the soul - when the threshold of loving surrender of the will is crossed.

Allowing God’s Love to Envelop our Will

In that embrace of the surrendered soul; our will, all else falls dim, except the desire to live in awareness and freely share what has been given, it's learning to rest in God while living life in the acknowledged fullness of reality, unfulfilled expectations, and joys on the mountaintops. It's where disappointments are embraced as much as joys, realizing they both are divine teachers awaiting to impart.

An Invitation to Pause in Preparation for the New Year

As we reflect on the joy and light that was Christmas, we can begin to feel the stirring of internal striving to set intellectual goals in preparation for the New Year. The striving pull of clamoring thoughts naturally rise, often without realizing we have received an unopened invitation to a place of quiet sacred space, one that welcomes the wings of our intellect to gently fold and nestle into union with our hearts, to sit in quiet with the Lord, and meet and commune with Him where he resides within.

When All is Not Calm, and All is Not Bright

What God allows, He invites us to receive the grace sufficient to walk in communion with him, even when emotions strongly yearn to pull in other directions. Be calm, dear one, in the midst of waiting. All will be calm, all will be bright. There's always a greater purpose beyond what the eyes can see, and the purpose for now is to enter into communion in the midst of disillusionment or delay.

Living the Life you Have, Slowing as a Spiritual Practice

“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” – Matthew 11:28-30 (MSG)
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