Soul, Hear the Invitation to an Unhurried Pace of Unforced Rhythms of Grace?


“Come to me,” the invitation of our soul to come away for communion, intimacy with the lover of our soul.  Come and learn how to recover your life, to learn to have a real rest, by walking and working with Jesus, from learning with Him.  His goal is communion with the one He loves, you His beloved.

How oft we busy ourselves and forfeit the communion throughout the day.  Meeting him can be a place or time, but he wants moreHe want’s our soul to radiate his glory wherever we are, because we are his chapel, his sanctuary, his monastery, his temple.  He lives in us.  The kingdom reign is in the soul where He abides.

Can the light shine through the windows of the eyes?  It comes through closing the door and entering into that secret place to meet him, allowing him to move freely throughout our souls and fully reign.  Our souls, made in his image, are precious to him.


May you hear and respond to his invitation to live life unforced, to live loved and embraced in your soul, allowing communion with him at the pace he sets.  That precious place of humility and communion of the soul make obedience a delight.  God is the one who sets the pace, always going before and preparing the details and opening the doors through the key of prayer and communion.

Why worry soul, why not trust him?  Is it not there that the unforced rhythms of grace begin to make music in the soul and the joy radiates through the face?


May you hear him call, “Come to me”.

He’s waiting to set the pace … ordered, unforced, unhurried, and peaceful.

What he offers you to carry is easy to bear as he is gentle and humble in heart.

He’s ready to infuse the soul with His glory and radiance, one yielded, who trusts him enough to allow full access.


Father God,

Yes, we hear your call.  We will enter in and open the precious door of our souls with the key of prayer and meditation, of communion being with you.  May you have full access to our souls, to clean any windows that we have covered with self-sufficiency, disobedience, or other decorations upon the windows of our souls that could keep the light of your radiance from shining forth.

May we be found being transformed by the sweetness of our communion, living by your unforced rhythms of grace.

In Jesus Name,




“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life.

I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace.

I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you.

Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” – Matthew 11:28-30 (MSG)



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